Sacred Faces | Sacred She
A Painter & Light
Pauline E. Reif
To see light in the moment
to enter this light
let go of your mooring
in a moment of love,
this is surrender only to love
and its wild arc of unexpectedness,
to see, to see and see how
light touches everything
one way or another,
to revel in its changing
forms, colors, moods,
to raise the sail
lift the anchor of
this is how it always is
like breath blowing
through white sails
like sky
like love.
It is my joy and privilege to share these images and words from my heart to yours, each one born from the hearth of my heart where I have come home to with great joy, love, and deep gratitude. May we each follow the light home to our deepest belonging.
Sacred Places
“ADDITIONAL COPY TO COME All Landscapes are within me. There is room for everything.”
Etty Hillesum
The Earth speaks through color, light, shade, all forms of water, land, sky, and creatures, all alive and filled with energy. Within each landscape I paint, I receive and share the gift of wearing Earth as Divine ever more deeply into and through my soul and body.
Gallery Collections
“The beauty of art is beauty born of the spirit and born again.”
G.W.F. Hegel
As Hélène Cixous so aptly suggests, the Poet-Painter is one “who uses life as a time of approaching... the one who knows how not to know.” As with all art whether it be written, painted, sculpted, or any other form of creation, the artist always begins here, in the emptiness, trusting that as we listen to the call, stroke by stroke, or word by word, the truth of this particular form will be revealed. We listen and we learn.
As a Painter and a Poet each painting is a journey for me through the unknown to the known following both shadow and light into the heart and soul of the image. Whether a landscape, an archetypal image, or a portrait, each reveals a particular gift, a message, at times pure joy, at times transmuting pain into peace, sorrow into a deeper love. It is a sure surrender to the gift being presented through my eyes and heart to yours not knowing where it will take us, but trusting it’s a journey worth taking.
Sacred Faces | Commissioned Watercolor Portraits
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